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Blackfire Tax
Expert Witness Tax Specialists
You will find that we have tax experts able to operate as expert witnesses across a range of taxes including personal taxes, including corporation tax, CGT, VAT, stamp duties as well as the interaction between the UK and US tax systems, inbounds and owner managed businesses.
- Access to experts with extensive experience in a range of financial disciplines
- Free initial consultation and quote with tailored advice on how we can support your case
- Direct access to our team of tax experts allowing you to build a more effective defence strategy
- Dedicated Casework Managers provide end-to-end support to ensure that our reports are quality checked and delivered on time and on budget

Need to speak to an expert?
We bring a pragmatic approach to our work, supported by our technical knowledge and insight into business practice.

How We Work
Financial Litigation Experts
When it comes to complex financial litigation, an expert witness with the skills and training of an accountant can be an essential part of any case. With extensive experience in financial litigation and dispute claims, Blackfire Tax can help provide the evidence you need to legitimise your case.